I firmly believe salad should only ever be served in a wooden salad bowl. ignore my last blog where it was in a clear glass bowl.
Grocery shopping annoys me. I tried to buy all my fresh foods at Sunflower yesterday, and cut into my cucumbers and they all tasted SOUR! THey looked great but j and I agreed they were BLECH. And fresh food doesn't keep well. It has been barely a week since I made my potato, veggie mix and I had to clean out the terribly BLECHY/moldy smelly mess that was the little bit of leftovers left in the fridge.
I enjoy my husband working at Starbucks... I got to try this new ....hmmm what is it? some type of caffeinated hibiscus tea? YUMMY! *blush* yes I am spoiled
Me trying to get a plethora of paperwork for one of my jobs done...obviously i am blogging instead.
Maybe I should change the name of my blog to Desperately Domestick8, or Desperate to BE domestic..... haha because obviously I don't do that great on the domestic front?
And on a side note...is no news good news? or is no news simply no news....????
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