Online deals I am getting better at checking up on, but not necessarily following through with, however I am trying.
So, along the path to cutting costs I have stumbled into a few habits.
I feel that I do SO much laundry for just 2 people. However, when you keep in my mind my hubby works 2, sometimes 3 jobs, with various uniforms and sweat fests, he is CONSTANTLY discarding clothes into the pile when home. Notice I say PILE, not 1 of our 2 hampers... :-) Also, pile in the laundry I do for my side business....there is much laundry in this house.
ANy way, here is week 1 of my new experiment in making my own laundry detergent. 3 easy ingredients, a 5 minute job putting it together. And 1 tablespoon per load is needed. The soap doesn't foam as with my usually liquid free and clear detergents I used to use. So, if the math is correct i will be paying about 3cents a load for my laundry now. Approximately. No, I did not do that math myself.
The clothes smell fresh and clean, but they don't have a SCENT. I know J will like that once he starts wearing htem! So, we shall see if all goes well!
I don't think my germ-a-phobe self will give up my Clorox wipes anytime soon, especially since flu season looms in a distance.... but for my usual cleaning this seems to be working well.
I read somewhere that you can put your sponges in the dishwasher... .thoughts anyone? I have microwaved some of my sponges in a bowl of water to disinfect them but I don't know..... I hate feeling the need to throw away my sponges so quickly.. hmmmm
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