Saturday, February 6, 2010


"I'm sick of following my dreams, I'm just going to ask where there going and hook up with them later!"
oh the wisdom of Mitch Hedberg, the inspirational, horribly-mouthed comedian who OD'd...

Had a wonderful dinner with my awesome brother this evening, we met half way in Casa Grande so he, in all his wisdom on the matter, could help me formulate a plan to start transforming my massage career. Setting boundaries, renegotiating contracts, etc. He happened to be very insightful, definitely did his research on my industry. I am very encouraged.

But, it also got me thinking about my future. I love my industry, I have not been in it very long. I wish there was enough hours in the day for me to pursue EVERYTHING.
My second priority would be writing. And then education. So much to learn and study and write on my own. And then of course I need to go back to school. Wow.

Perhaps if there were 32 hours in a day, and I only slept 8 and worked 8 ; oh and of course add another 8 for JOSEPH..then there would leave 8 hours for other pursuits. delicious.

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