Thursday, March 21, 2013


There is no "app" for writing a research paper.
No magic Pinterest DIY TRICK to write the paper faster, although a DIY research paper is GENERALLY the most academically acceptable paper.
And in case you were wondering, there is nothing research paper "helpful" on Youtube, hulu, netflix, so-and-so's blog, cell phone or facebook. I have tried them all today, twice. NOTHING. So all that is left is FINISHING MY PAPER.

Things in my life:

~ Saw Andrew McMahon (Formerly of Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate) in concert a few days ago. EXHILARATING. Thrilling. And all things delightful.
~ School. Aforementioned research paper, and various crap discussed for the sake of furthing my academic edification by choking down liberal propaganda.
~ I start a new job next week
~ Husband started his new job a few weeks ago, and loves it
~ I moved to PX.
~ PX is big.
~ I don't generally like moving, boxes, paper, chaos, and having to organize from scratch.
~ I do like bubble wrap. A great deal. Oddly enough there is an app for that...
~ I turn 25 soon. Tragic story.

Brain Rattles

I hope I never get tased. I kept trying to type tazed.. .but I think it is tased. Either way I hope it never happens to me. That would be awful.

My cats are way cooler than your cats. Probably any of your other pets too. You have no idea.

I dread my cellphone plan expiring.

Every time I have to click " i accept these terms" on the computer, I get chills of terror down my spine.

I will google you.

Someday, I hope to be made into a brilliantly funny meme. Ok maybe not. but maybe....hmmmm

Sometimes I think things like; "If Aladdin and Jasmine or Prince Charming and Cinderella ever met me and my husband they would be insanely jealous."

Just for kicks, because I lived it. Gratuitously, for you.

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