Sunday, March 25, 2012

A day in the life...

Sometimes I hesitate when people ask me "what do YOU do?" I hesitate for a number of reasons although I am a massage therapist, and proud to say that I am indeed, a licensed massage therapist who specializes in pain management and an orthopedic style of therapeutic massage...Some days when heading home from a super long day at *insert whatever k8 actually does here* I think back on my day and wish there was a better title for my job.

There is no typical day, but here is an example of a recent one.
Get up, prep, pack, feed kitties, leave sleeping cute husband to be at my first job by 8:15. The office space which I rent a treatment room I also do office work. I shred files today, refilling clear plastic bags for proper recycling of said shredded material over and over. Miscellaneous projects never the same. Today I fix the vacuum cleaner by cleaning out the caught carpet edgings and hair wrapped in the vacuum front roller...thingy. As I sit on the floor with dust flying about me, I think of the networking meeting later today, and wonder if the "nicer" outfit I have on, and make-up etc will stay in tact 'til evening. Disinfect office touch-ables, set up my space for the day. My first client arrives at 9:45: an extreme chemical sensitivity case; today I am hoping she doesn't sense I wore deodorant, which could jeopardize the whole treatment. The 30 minute treatment goes for almost an hour, but this client is a Christian and because of her chemical sensitivities can no longer fellowship in groups, so I always schedule extra time for her for prayer and chatting. Then back to office work; data entry and scanning documents and sorting until next client arrives. Built like a football player with some intense muscles spasms, this one is a workout for me. Broke the spasm cycle but clearly the inflammation will take a while to get back to 100%. This frustrates my psyche....

It is now 12:30 and I leave and head to my other job. Emails, phone calls; go over website design changes, work on a new article for a new section of the website still under construction. Read over newsletter draft. My next client: 90 minute deep tissue trigger point and rotator cuff maintenance, surgery prevention. Help boss finish adding 220 emails to our list and upload them and send out our first newsletter! Minor glitches included a conference call with our website designer.

I then check outfit for residual cat hair vacuum dust, and oil stains. Make sure I smell pretty and head to a 'soiree' networking hour with other LMTs who are, like me, are a Beta tester for a new "massage scheduling website" just launched. Thank goodness they served appetizers, it was my dinner.

8:15 and I am headed home.

No day of mine is the same, it keeps life interesting... Just thought I would let you know.

Happy Birthday to Me!

I love my birthday.

Let's chalk it up to my parents spoiling me rotten. My vague memories of birthdays years past include daddy hiding "my birthday dress," which he usually picked for me himself, wrapped somewhere in the house. Playing hot'n'cold with dad searching for my present is as fond a memory as our hours playing ice cream girl..
As far back as i can remember dad would print "happy birthday Katelyn" signs an tape them around the house with balloons. Mom compensated with elaborate tea parties and petit fours the years dad was unavailable for my special day. I remember my favorite "smelly jellys' for my growing feet many years, and various relatives making a spring visits with added early or belated celebrations JUST for me no matter when they showed up. Call me the princess, call me spoiled, whatever you wish, but on March 24th please oh please call me the birthday girl!

I appreciate my husband playing along the entire month of march....with "ok, because its your BIRTHDAY!" and this year he went overboard with thoughtful gifts he showered me after work yesterday. Then we shared a delightful afternoon and evening with friends.

This year had me particularly excited, my golden 24th on the 24th of March! it will only happen once in my short little lifetime :-)

What a delightful day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


My new $5 word.

Things in our lives have taken a turn, and I have re-evaluated my goals for 2012 and am finding a new found motivation and excitement! But saying I have a "LOT" to do or on my plate is an understatement. I hope i haven't bitten off more than I can chew.

First order of business is finishing my OMERI certification. This should have been done a year ago. I am so close yet so far.

I guess I should have said my first order of business is optimizing my house. We are in 2012 project reorganization. I need to make better use of my the space provided in my lovely home, and i have the burning desire to make our "Cottage" prettier. The hubby has agreed to some little mechanical changes as well, I am motivated and excited: Closets, cupboards and storage rubbermaids BEWARE!