Thursday, January 19, 2012

And my answer to that of course is no.....

Life is like a box of chocolates... if God was holding the box saying "Take any one you want!" and every time you reached in to pick one he snapped it closed saying "NO, NOOO that is the coconut one, I'm saving that for Billy!"

Joseph didn't get his "dream job." And it is ok. He told me last night, that moving to phoenix is still on the table... well, I think a more accurate description was him cursing Tucson... but still! I WANT TO MOVE. I think. I don't know. I KNOW. No I don't...

Anyways, so back to the grind of job hunting. It is nice to have the luxury of job hunting when God is providing all our needs with the many jobs he's given us.....

Here is hte email I sent to the fam.....

"Appreciate your prayers for Joseph throughout this interesting time of interviews and tests galore. It is finished. God's answer was a no and Joseph has since clearly moved on.

He took this one like a champ... grateful for the opporunity an confident that there were many qualified guys who tested with him. Yesterday, a day he had taken off for interviews... he did laundry, cleaned the house, vacuumed and made a pork roast. I cried for an hour, threw a fit, and colored my hair.

Bible study was last night at UofA, the topic was Providence. Joseph had much to say on the subject and was such a blessing with his lightheartedness and humor, as well as biblical insight. What a guy!

Lots of jobs in the works for him to apply to in the finance realm. Here's to dusting off his resume, calling in some favors, and learning how to better number crunch for a living!"

So now we move on....whatever that looks like.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. The email following the alleged dream job was so excellent. Both of you seem to be handling this latest setback with such maturity. And, by the way, no one really knows what "moving on" means. A few years ago, back when I was trying to counsel my kids on their futures, a friend said to me: "Vic, do you know why fathers are so interested in their son's careers?" I said "why?" He said simply "because they are looking for ideas." In other words, everybody who want productive and purposeful are always trying to get their arms around "moving on."
