Joseph and I have had a an amazing 1 year anniversary...the aquarium, hiking, rock climbing, Inception, my family, his family, my bro and Katie, and BUFFY!
Rock climbing could become very addictive. Forget me being afraid of heights, finally letting go was exhilarating!
I have a love hate relationship with hiking. Hate that its a fight to get going, especially in high altitude like yesterday Mind over matter.... in which I always win. LOVE that middle part where we stop, sit, and enjoy God's glorious creation!! Both of us quiet and contemplative. And LOVE the trip back to the car...the last half. However, I hate the drive home for some reason; probably cause I am usually dehydrated and feel sick haha.
A glorious weekend with hubby, family and friends. And year old cake ..blech :-)
I can't believe I have been married one year today to Joseph! 3 years since we met... time flies when you're having fun
Happy Anniversary!!!! :) And yes, year old cake is pretty awful...time for that tradition to be scrapped!! :)