Hello blogging! It's been a while.. But i really enjoyed my old online-journally thing and thought i might hash out my ramblings once more on cyberspace if only for my own enjoyment.
I was married last Saturday. I married...well...My husband! No other title such as, "the love of my life" "my fiance" "my hero" "soulmate" "cuppycake" or even "my mr. darcy" fits the bill quite like saying "my husband."
I love being married. I love Joseph. I believe God has a plan for us, and if we seek Him always first and foremost He will keep our decisions un-stupid. However, my misconception about marriage was this; since I moved away from home 3 years ago, and have been 'on my own' at least physiclly since, I believed I would have an easy transition into marriage. Even if it did mean living with 'some guy I met at IHOP.' But my adjustment period is a bit more emotional than I thought. With hormones and emotions racing from the wedding hype etc. poor Joseph has had to be a very patient man with his wife. Who, since the wedding, has had the tendency to burst into tears at any given moment... :-p
This week has been a much needed vacation for both of us post-wedding fun. Sleeping in with no work, school, wedding planning, internships, or ANY obligations whatsoever has been heaven! Although there is much to do in our new house: much being the biggest understatement of the year, it has been a hand-in-hand productive week for us love birds!
Today was Joseph's first day back at work. Ever the dutiful wife I woke up with him at 6 am, followed him around as he made coffee, and promptly fell right back asleep while he was getting a shower. ha ha!
And thus, my first 24 hours pre-work and and social obligations began. Alone... in this too-big house... Now, my 'wifely' instinct before today was to split the chores with the hubby. I was not too thrilled about taking on the house as a maid. However, today, alone in a sctrutural blessing from God, my wife-microchip implanted at my vows kicked in, and as hyped as any prairie woman I proceeded to submit this house to the mercy of my elbow grease.
And K0ch0 looked upon her handywork, and saw that it was Ninja. :-)